Prashak defies conventional wisdom of a construction industry. The distinguishing feature of Prashak is that it is an Innovative, Integrated Technology Solution Provider and not mere creators of buildings / structures.
Prashak is a unique organization based on the strong foundation of research and development of cutting edge technologies, more particularly the novel Habitech technology solution for construction structure and housing and innovative NATS tecnology solution for on-site sanitation management system, researched and developed at the reputed Asian Institue of Tecnology - an International Institute of higher learning based in Thailand. These innovative technology solutions enable creation of a wide range of innovative building components and construction structures integrateable with on-site sanitation management system that are robust, environmentally friendly, disaster resilient, scalable, adaptable, energy efficient and highly affordable. Habitech - NivaraTrantra enables significant reduction in cost and pollution while building the clean, green and safe dwellings/structures, resulting in extraordinarily positive impact on social and environmental aspects.
Steered by its Inventrepreneur - Dr. Praful Naik who has over 140 patent filings and 40 granted patents, Prashak's vision is to empower every global citizen to fulfill the desire of building and owning a respectful dwelling as well as partner with Communities to contribute socially and environmentally by creating green, safe, sustainable and affordable structures.